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December 9, 2022


Dr. Prathibha Sukumar,
Consultant Paediatric Surgeon

Intussusception is a common cause of abdominal pain in children. It is commonly seen in children between the ages of 6 months to 3 years. [...]
December 6, 2022

7 Rules to make married life more happy

Nithin A. F.,
Consultant Psychologist

When two individuals who grow up in different circumstances start living together in the same situation, many problems may arise.[...]
December 6, 2022

Climate change and Respiratory diseases

Dr. Sofia Salim Malik,
Senior Consultant Pulmonologist, Allergy, Immunology & Sleep Consultant

Trachea and lungs are the most affected organs during climate change, so it is necessary to take precautions in adverse weather conditions especially among patients with lung disease.[...]
November 26, 2022

Skin care during winter

Dr. Shalini,
Consultant Dermatologist

Winter season makes dryness of skin in everyone. Here are some simple methods to effectively counter it. [...]
November 25, 2022

Pre-writing Skills for Children

Thasni F.S.,
Child Development Therapist

Pre-writing skills are the ability to learn to write. Sensory motor skills are important in this process.[...]
November 25, 2022

Pain free Childbirth

Dr. Lakshmi Ammal,
Consultant Gynaecologist

Labor pain is different for everyone. The severity of labor pain varies from woman to woman.[...]
November 12, 2022

Irregular Menstrual cycle in Adolescents

Dr. Lakshmi Ammal,
Consultant Gynaecologist
A regular menstrual cycle of women indicates the health of her reproductive organs. Therefore, changes in the menstrual [...]
November 7, 2022

World Pneumonia Day – November 12th

Dr. Sofia Salim Malik,
Senior Consultant Pulmonologist,
Allergy, Immunology & Sleep Consultant

This day provides an annual forum for the world in the [...]
October 20, 2022

Myths and Facts about Natural Childbirth

Dr. Simi Haris,
Consultant Gynaecologist and Infertility Specialist

It very common to ask whether the childbirth is natural or Cesarean. In reality, Is childbirth that comfortable?[...]