Paediatric Surgery
Paediatric surgery is a super speciality of surgery involving the surgery of infants, children, adolescents and young adults. Surgical problems seen in these category of patients are quite different from those seen in adults by general surgeon. Hence the need for special training in Paediatric Surgery is important. Paediatric surgeon treats children from the newborn stage till late adolescence.- Emergency surgeries: Trauma surgery, Burns, Foreign body ingestion/aspiration.
- Neonatal surgeries:Tracheo oesophageal fistula, Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Intestinal Atresia, malrotation, Hirschsprung’s disease, Ano-rectal malformations, meconium ileus, Exomphalos.
- Thoracic Surgery / Thoracoscopy: Congenital Lobar emphysema, Broncho-pulmonary sequestration, Congenital pulmonary airway malformation, Decortication.
- Laparoscopy: Appendicectomy, Cholecystectomy, ovarian torsion, undescended testis.
- Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary: Gastroesophageal Reflux disease, Pyloric stenosis, intussusception (sonoguided saline reduction), meckels diverticulum, Biliary Atresia, Choledochal cyst, Intestinal duplication, Intestinal perforation, Intestinal Obstruction.
- Urology: Phimosis, Hypospadias, undescended testis, Hernia, Hydrocele Posterior Urethral valve, PUJO, VUJO, Duplex anomalies, cystic diseases, torsion testis, Labial Synechiae, intersex disorders, ureterocele, Neurogenic bladder.
- Oncology: Wilm’s tumour, Neuroblastoma, Sacrococcygeal teratoma, testicular and ovarian tumours, soft tissue sarcomas, Hepatoblastoma.
- General Paediatric Surgery: Cleft lip and palate,Thyroglossal cyst, Dermoid cyst, Branchial sinus and fistula, cystic hygroma – Bleomycin injection / Excision, Ranula-Marsupilisation, Lymph node Biopsy, Hemangioma, Tongue tie, Salivary gland pathology and Lymphagioma.
- In addition to this, we also provide antenatal counselling to pregnant mothers carrying babies with surgical problems and the various treatment modalities available.
- We also provide round the clock emergency services and are well supported with a fully equipped Neonatal ICU with dedicated Neonatologists and Paediatricians.

Paediatric Surgery