Thasni F.S., Child Development Therapist, SUT Hospital, Pattom
Winter season makes dryness of skin in everyone. Here are some simple methods to effectively counter it.
- Bathing in hot water during winters causes the body to lose its natural oils. So bathe in lukewarm water.
- Take a shower within 10 minutes.
- Use cleansing lotion instead of soap.
- Wipe off with wet towel after bath and apply moisturizing lotion. A colourless and odourless moisturizing lotion is the best. Oily creams are best for dry hands and feet. Or a cream containing Glycolic acid and lactic acid is also preferable.
- Ventilate sweaty areas. It is also good to use an odourless in the folds.
- Woollen clothes and blankets can cause allergic reactions in many people. They can be used after sewing a cover of cotton cloth.
- It is advisable to wear gloves and socks.
- Hair care – Use anti-dandruff shampoo on the scalp in alternate days to prevent dandruff. The split ends of the hair are common during winter, so trim properly. It is good to use oil on hair. But it is better to resist dust and dirt. Wash and keep the scalp clean.
- Keep your nails neatly trimmed as they may break. Apply the cream every day.
- Be careful with your diet – Drink plenty of water. Eat fish and nuts rich in OMEGA-3 fatty acids.
- Diseases that increase during winter season are:-
- Psoriasis – Use moisturiser. Do not scrape off the scaly patches. Upper respiratory tract infection in winter can adversely affect psoriasis. Treat as prescribed by the doctor.
- Atopic dermatitis – Atopic dermatitis occurs from young children to adults. Identify and avoid aggravating factors that worsen the disease. Take the prescribed medication as soon as the itching starts.
- Asteatotic eczema – Dry skin seen in the elderly. Avoid soap, apply moisturizing lotion and wear cotton clothes.
- Hand eczema – Wear gloves while washing dishes and clothes, cutting fish, chopping onions.
- Forefoot eczema – Itchy, cracked or itchy patches that develop on days. Condition worsens by the use of soap and footwear. Use anti-itch medications, moisturizing lotion, and prescribed ointments. Protect the legs.
- Seborrheic dermatitis – Dandruff can appear not only on the head, but also on the face, chest and folds. It can be controlled with proper treatment.
- Cold urticaria – Appearance of rashes with itching as in a bug bite. It can be treated with medications for allergies.
- PMLE – Sun allergy, appearing on sun-exposed areas. Even if the itchy rash clears up, the white marks may remain. Use sunscreen for protection.
If you pay attention to these things and seek treatment at the right time, you can get complete relief from skin diseases during winter.