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Night time Leg Numbness: Causes and Management

Mr. Ajailal, Chief Physiotherapist, SUT Hospital, Pattom

Leg numbness during the night is a common issue caused by nerve compression or reduced blood flow. It can disrupt sleep and affect overall well-being. Physiotherapists play a vital role in identifying its root cause and providing tailored strategies for management and prevention.

Why Does Night time Leg Numbness occur?
From a physiotherapy viewpoint, night time leg numbness can be attributed to:

1. Poor Sleep Posture: Prolonged pressure on nerves or improper spine alignment.

2. Nerve Compression: Conditions like sciatica or herniated discs causing radiating numbness.

3. Muscle Tightness: Tight muscles in the lower back, hips, or calves compress nerves.

4. Reduced Mobility: Sedentary lifestyles lead to poor circulation.

5. Peripheral Vascular Conditions: Issues like varicose veins or peripheral artery disease (PAD) restrict blood flow.

Physiotherapy-Based Management

1. Postural Correction

  • Sleep on your back with a pillow under the knees to reduce pressure on nerves.
  • Use ergonomic pillows for proper neck and spine support.

2. Improving Circulation

  • Perform Buerger’s Exercise: Elevate the legs 45degree-90degree for 2-3 minutes till you skin turns pale, lower them, and then lie flat to improve blood flow.
  • Gentle exercises like ankle pumps or leg stretches before bed promote circulation.
  • Wear compression stockings or crape bandages to enhance venous return.

3. Massage and Heat Therapy

Regular massages or warm compresses relax muscles and improve blood flow.

Most Vulnerable Groups

  • Individuals with diabetes, PAD, or varicose veins.
  • People leading sedentary lifestyles or with prolonged sitting or standing jobs.

When to Seek Help?

If numbness persists or worsens, consult a physiotherapist or healthcare provider. Early intervention with a personalized physiotherapy program can alleviate symptoms, ensuring restful sleep and improved quality of life.