December 27, 2021

Exercise, A Primer

One dies anyway is a common excuse used to avoid exercise, implying that exercise is a futile attempt to lengthen lifespan. But the fact is that […]
December 22, 2021

Kidney disease – Everything you need to know

Dr. Nishi Mathew,
Consultant – Nephrologist

The kidneys play a key role in purifying the blood by expelling wastes from the body through […]
December 22, 2021

Intelligence development in children during the first six months

Sivakeerthana R.S,
Child Development Therapist

Every child is unique in their own way. However, child growth and development follow a sequential pattern. […]
December 22, 2021

Alzheimer’s Disease – Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Dr. Susanth M. J,
Consultant – Neurologist

Our memories are one of the greatest blessings we receive in life. They are the symbols […]
December 22, 2021

Can dizziness cause various concerns?

Dr. Anu Thampy,
ENT Consultant

Dizziness is a condition that causes physical and mental distress. Most people would have felt dizzy on [...]
December 21, 2021

H. I. V. – An untreated disease?

Dr. Shareek P.S,
Consultant – Infectious Disease

The fact is that despite the progress of time, the views of society are still [...]
December 21, 2021

Understanding and Assessing Mental Health

Nithin A.F,
Consultant – Psychologist

We are entering a new year with new hopes and plans for a better tomorrow. […]
November 29, 2021

Climate change and protection of ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat)

Dr. Ammu Sree Parvathi,
Associate Consultant,
Dept of ENT

Ailments and difficulties experienced in the throat, nose, and ears during winter are very […]
November 29, 2021

Stay away from COPD

Dr. Aswathy,
Dept of Pulmonology

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) is a long-term disease caused by airway narrowing resulting in air trapping and […]