July 14, 2022

Diet plan for school going children

Preethi R Nair,
Chief Clinical Nutritionist

Schools that have been closed for two years due to the Covid epidemic are reopening. For so […]
July 6, 2022

Cancer Prevention and Diet

Anu Mathew,
The cause of breast cancer is still being researched. Early detected cancers can be treated and cured quickly. […]
June 30, 2022

Hip fractures in Old age

Dr. Unnikuttan D,
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
A fracture of the thigh near the hip is a very common injury in old age. […]
May 30, 2022

Tobacco smoking and lungs

Dr. Aswathy Thazhakottuvalappil,
Consultant Pulmonologist
On May 31st we celebrate World No-Tobacco day. This year the theme is “Protect the environment”. Tobacco is […]
May 30, 2022


Dr. Ann Mary Jacob,
Consultant Pulmonologist
Bronchiectasis is a disease that affects the airways. It is becoming more and more common in our society today. We can[…]
May 16, 2022

Fundamental measures to avoid Road Accidents

Dr. Mohammed Haneef M,
HOD, Emergency Department
Road accidents are increasing day by day. Emergency department of a hospital deals a number of road accident cases daily. […]
May 10, 2022

World Lupus Day – May 10th

Dr. Glaxon Alex,
Consultant Rheumatologist
SLE or ‘Lupus’ is an acronym for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Lupus is caused by damage in our immune system. […]
May 4, 2022

World Asthma Day – May 3rd

Dr. Sofiya Salim Malik,
Senior Consultant Pulmonologist
World asthma day organised by the Global Initiative for asthma (GINA), a WHO collaborative organisation is […]
May 2, 2022

Urinary incontinence – Physiotherapy treatments

Mr. Ajailal M,
HOD, Dept. of Physiotherapy

The feeling of having to urinate frequently is a problem that bothers both men […]