We aim to provide the highest standards of care for newborn infants and support their families. We will strive to provide holistic care for the vulnerable infants leading to intact survival
- Our smallest baby weighed 500gm and was 25 weeks preterm. More than 6000 babies have been treated successfully
- High standard of care: 1:1 nursing care with a resident pediatrician 24X7 to attend all deliveries at the hospital.
- Senior consultant available round-the-clock for expert care.
- The Neonatal unit is equipped with all the latest gadgets and equipment for neonatal care
- Treatment of a full spectrum of neonatal medical and surgical diseases.
Neonatal services:
- Neonatal intensive care unit with ventilation, CPAP units, HFNC units.
- Antenatal counseling
- Retinopathy of Prematurity screening
- Hearing screening - OAE
- USG cranium
- Functional echocardiography
- Lactation counseling
- Kangaroo Mother Care
- Neonatal surgery by senior pediatric surgeons
- Neonatal transport services available 24X7
- Immunisation
- Follow up clinics - Neurodevelopment and Early Stimulation Clinic
- Cardiac Screening - By pulse oximetry for heart disease
- Newborn screening for congenital cataract by direct ophthalmoscopy
- Universal newborn screening for congenital diseases
- Tandem Mass Spectrometry for inborn errors of metabolism
Unit structure
- 12 bedded state of the art NICU
- 8 Ventilator beds with air/ oxygen/ suction ports
- Separate inborn and out born units
- 2 isolation cots
- Luxurious mother rooms
- Consulting and counseling room
- Breastfeeding and kangaroo mother care
- CPAP + HFNC Units
- Continuous positive airway pressure devices and high flow nasal cannula units
- Delivery room CPAP
- INSURE technique of surfactant administration
- 24 hours on site presence of trained Neonatal Consultant
- Conventional and High Frequency Ventilation, Volume guarantee ventilation
- In house blood gas machine
- Ultrasound machine for Neonatal functional ECHO and Cranial ultrasound
- Excellent transport facilities with transport incubator and fully equipped ambulance
- Dedicated Neonatal transport consultant for ambulance transfers throughout Kerala
- Closed incubators for extremely premature infants
- Dedicated Neonatal nursing staff and doctors
- Parenteral nutrition therapy
- Peritoneal dialysis
- Special appreciation by NABH audit team
Uniqe features

