Dr. Dhanashree A Iyengar, Junior Consultant ENT, SUT Hospital, Pattom
Oral ulcers are small, painful, round to oval sores inside the mouth. They may be white, yellow or grey in the centre and have a red border. They are commonly located on the insides of the cheek (buccal mucosa), tongue, lips, gums (gingival) or roof of the mouth (hard and soft palate). They are generally benign and harmless, lasting foe about 1-2 weeks and heal by themselves.
Oral ulcers occur as a result of damage to the oral epithelium and its underlying layer (lamina propria). The damage could be due to trauma, irritation, chemo radiation, infections, certain drugs, inflammatory systemic disorders and many
other causes.
The causes can be broadly classified into:
Mouth ulcer care at home
Dr. Vishnu has various research work publications in Kerala Medical Journal. Original Article “Observation of Serum Uric acid level in essential hypertension” published in Kerala Medical Journal (KMJ) August 2013, is one of his esteemed publications. He has already done many oral presentations. The enlightening presentation includes “Observation of Serum Uric acid level in essential hypertension” — APICON- 2013, Role of Plasmapheresis in Neurological disorders ISNSCON 2017, Clinical profile on NODAT — NAKCON 2017. He is a Life Time Member of Indian Medical Association. He was Awarded First Prize in Free paper presentation APICON 2012 of “Observation of Serum Uric acid level in essential hypertension
A Malaysian national diagnosed with lower rectal cancer had to fly from his home to Trivandrum entrusting Dr.Baiju Senadhipan, the prestigious Consultant Gastrosurgeon at SUT Pattom to have a comeback to his routine life.