Dr. Aquib K Shaick, Senior Consultant, Surgical Oncology, SUT Hospital, Pattom
The thyroid gland is located in the lower part of the neck. It produces a hormone called thyroxine, which is essential for the normal functioning of almost all organs in the body. The thyroid can be affected by various diseases, which can be broadly classified into:
Thyroid malfunction can be of two types:
Thyroid tumors can be classified into:
Three common diagnostic tests are used to detect thyroid-related conditions:
The best approach is usually to manage thyroid hormone levels with antithyroid medications before considering surgery.
For tumors not associated with hypothyroidism, treatment differs based on whether the nodule is benign or cancerous. Thyroid cancer is diagnosed through an FNAC test. The standard treatment is total thyroidectomy (complete removal of the thyroid). If cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, a procedure called neck dissection may also be necessary.
In some cases, benign thyroid nodules can exert pressure on nearby organs in the neck, leading to difficulty in swallowing, breathlessness, voice changes etc. If these symptoms are present, total thyroidectomy may be required.
Thorough diagnosis and appropriate treatment are crucial for managing thyroid disorders. Patients should always follow the guidance of a specialist doctor for the best outcomes.
Dr. Vishnu has various research work publications in Kerala Medical Journal. Original Article “Observation of Serum Uric acid level in essential hypertension” published in Kerala Medical Journal (KMJ) August 2013, is one of his esteemed publications. He has already done many oral presentations. The enlightening presentation includes “Observation of Serum Uric acid level in essential hypertension” — APICON- 2013, Role of Plasmapheresis in Neurological disorders ISNSCON 2017, Clinical profile on NODAT — NAKCON 2017. He is a Life Time Member of Indian Medical Association. He was Awarded First Prize in Free paper presentation APICON 2012 of “Observation of Serum Uric acid level in essential hypertension
A Malaysian national diagnosed with lower rectal cancer had to fly from his home to Trivandrum entrusting Dr.Baiju Senadhipan, the prestigious Consultant Gastrosurgeon at SUT Pattom to have a comeback to his routine life.