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Increase in Violence among Youngsters: Psychological Causes and Management

In recent years, there has been a concerning rise in violence among youngsters, prompting a closer examination of its management and underlying psychological causes. This phenomenon demands a multifaceted approach that considers societal, individual, and psychological factors.

Impact of Technology and Social Media

The pervasive influence of technology and social media has also played a significant role in shaping the landscape of youth violence. The anonymity and reach of online platforms have facilitated cyber bullying, leading to emotional distress. Continuous exposure to violent content on social media and online platforms can desensitize youngsters, blurring the line between virtual and real-life aggression.

Constant comparison on social media, coupled with unrealistic standards of beauty and success, can contribute to feelings of inadequacy and frustration, potentially fuelling aggressive behaviour. The formation of online communitiescan reinforce extremist ideologies or aggressive norms, influencing impressionable youngsters towards violent attitudes and actions.

Psychological Causes

Difficulties in regulating emotions, such as anger and frustration, can result in impulsive and aggressive outbursts in response to perceived provocations. A lack of empathy and moral disengagement can lead youngsters to disregard the consequences of their actions on others, facilitating aggressive behaviour without feeling guilt.

Management Strategies

  • Identify and address risk factors early through comprehensive assessments and interventions, including counselling, therapy, and support networks.
  • Implement programs focused on anger management, conflict resolution, empathy development, and positive communication to equip youngsters with constructive coping strategies.
  • Engage communities, schools, and families in collaborative efforts to promote violence prevention initiatives, education on healthy relationships, and accessible mental health resources.
  • Advocate for policies that address the root causes of violence, including access to mental health services, regulation of media content, and support for at-risk populations.

By addressing the societal, individual, and psychological aspects contributing to the increase in violence among youngsters, we can work towards creating safer and more nurturing environments conducive to healthy development and positive behaviour outcomes.

Nithin A. F.
Consultant Psychologist
SUT Hospital, Pattom